October 6th is World Card Making Day, I know right. There is a day for everything. But hey at least this one is fun its not like Pop goes the weasel day or February 3 Cordova Ice Worm Day?, whatever that is. For a list of more humorous days to give you and the kids a chuckle follow this link http://all-funny.info/real-list-of-national-days#sthash.SGagfOP5.dpbs. It also might be a fun way to make a card for a friend or coworker for no reason at all other than just to say hi did you know its Cordova Ice Worm Day how are you celebrating? If you want to post your cards on the world card making day site or join others who are celebrating this day check here http://www.worldcardmakingday.com/index.html. I should mention also that there is a chance to win a prize pack for posting a card you have made. I will be posting tutorials on here for a few new card folds for you to add to your repertoire on saturday, yes tomorrow.
On to the box for Operation Christmas Card. A few of you have been wondering what the dimensions are for the box, I am sorry to say that I do not have the dimensions but if you really need them I will measure for you. I used a long rectangular box from shipping at the store and cut the end off for the arch. I used camo duct tape for the taping and edges where I covered each side with brown paper from framing. After the shape was made I cut a hole for the "drawer" for the cards to be dropped in. The drawer was the hardest part and I should say dont be scared it really isnt that hard. I just had to visualize how it was going to work. My brain works in pictures if I dont see it, it's not real LOL! You can tell from the pics its kind of a triangle with a front back and two sides that are kind of arched quarters of circles. I just eyeballed everything I cut as I kinda held the cardboard up to opening for sizing. The keeping the drawer in the hole puzzled me and I made it harder than it had to be. I was gonna use string and a pulley system and then I thought I wonder what would happen if I just taped it to the front of the box? What do you know I tried it and it makes a perfect hinge and opens and closes just like a mailbox. Lesson learned here TRY IT its just tape and paper dont be afraid..... If you have anymore questions just ask. See ya tomorrow!
BACK DOOR lid folded up under flap
Keep Scrapping!
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